Warrant issued for woman who allegedly escaped from NW Community Corrections Center in BG

A warrant has been issued for a woman who reportedly escaped from the Northwest Community Corrections Center in Bowling Green on Thursday (2/27) around 1 p.m.

Taylor Michalski, 27, Toledo, reportedly escaped while she was on work release at the Wood County Committee on Aging kitchen, which is located next door to the corrections center, at 1740 E. Gypsy Lane Road. The inmate was wearing a blue sweatshirt and brown sweatpants when she allegedly escaped.

Security footage reportedly showed Michalski walking away from the kitchen into an open field. A recording of a phone call made by the inmate a few days earlier reportedly included a conversation between Michalski and a male who said he was in the area to “scope out” the kitchen location.

Surveillance of the phone calls also reportedly included a phone call the day before the escape, between Michalski and the same male during which they discussed escape options.

Video footage from other nearby agencies were reviewed by police.

Officers then went to the Meijer gas station, where an attendant stated a female matching the description stopped in and asked to make a phone call. The number on the phone matched the number Michalski had called from the corrections center.

Police also went to the Circle K on East Wooster Street to see if Michalski had stopped there. An employee reported that around 2:15 p.m., a female came in matching the description, accompanied by a male.