Free drive-thru community meal set for March 14 at First Christian Church in BG

The monthly drive-thru Community Meal and Food Distribution hosted by First Christian Church of Bowling Green, 875 Haskins Road, is Friday, March 14, from 5 to 6 p.m. Those who are experiencing food insecurity are encouraged to participate in this free meal. Participants are also encouraged to pick up a limited number of groceries, toiletries, breads and pastries.

Participants should arrive between 5 and 6 p.m. at the FCC parking lot and remain in their cars. Volunteers will take their orders, hand deliver the meals, and direct them to the groceries and toiletries. COVID and flu precautions are requested to be followed.

St. Thomas More University Parish of Bowling Green and the BG Christian Food Pantry will provide groceries for the food bag distribution. The toiletries pantry will be available this month thanks to the generosity of First Presbyterian Church and First Christian Church, both of Bowling Green.

Participants are also offered a variety of breads and pastries provided by the Bowling Green Christian Food Pantry. Volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Bowling Green, will provide event help including the distribution of the meals, food bags and bread/pastries.

Since November 2020, the community meal has been a part of FCC’s food ministry to reduce food insecurity in the community. If you have any questions, contact First Christian Church by calling 419-354-3989 or email: or Details can also be found on the First Christian Church Facebook page at