Fair exhibit to celebrate 100 years of Wood County 4-H

(Submitted by Wood County 4-H)

The local Genealogical and Historical Societies will be proudly featuring the 100th birthday of Wood County 4-H at the Wood County Fair beginning July 29.

The collaboration between these three organizations, for this project. has evolved into a 23-foot display of memorabilia and artifacts highlighting the county’s 4-H history.

Normally housed in the Grange Building, the Wood County Genealogical and Historical Societies and 4-H display will be located inside the Fine Arts Building.

The display and promotion of Wood County 4-H by these two long-standing groups was such a fitting and kind offering since 4-H has such a rich history in our area.

Wood County 4-H began in 1919 with the formation of the Jersey Calf Club and has grown from there. One hundred years later, 4-H is still relevant and boasts a youth enrollment of nearly 2000 and hundreds of volunteers.

Plan to stop by the display during the entire fair and learn more about 4-H in Wood County. The display will be interactive, in that we are reguesting current and alumnus 4-H members to sign our guest book, reminisce about 4-H camp with a clothesline of t-shirts dating back to 1983, read the historical highlights of the programs growth, view photos and artifacts from the decades and more.

Volunteers from the local Genealogical and Historical Societies will be present to discuss their organizations role in the preservation of the local history. Moreover, the Historical Society will promote their upcoming events and current exhibits on Ohio Poor Farms and Jacob A. Riis: How the Other Half Lives, which closes Aug. 11.