DeWine: More PPE, grants and graduation guidance on the way

Wood County Emergency Management Agency’s Emergency Operation Center’s Situation Report on COVID-19 Response

This April 29 report communicates Wood County Emergency Operations Center’s activity over the past 24 hours.

Executive Summary:

Gov. Mike DeWine – Last week 4.1 million pieces of PPE was distributed to local EMAs across Ohio. There is still a focused effort on conservation and sterilization of PPE. When we open back up we need strong supply chains of PPE. It is well within the businesses’ right to require facial coverings for the customers entering their establishment under our orders. 

Law enforcement grants available – Ohio has $16 million in funding available awarded to Ohio office of criminal justice services as part of the CARES act. This is open to law enforcement, probation, parole, local courts, adult and juvenile correctional agencies. This is to help prevent, respond to COVID-19 (cleaning supplies, PPE, technology, inmate medical needs, inmate testing and monitoring, and more). This will be useful for victim service agencies as well. Can apply up to 12 months funding no local match required. Please apply as soon as possible. Visit for more information. 

Graduation – Guidance for local schools and local health departments to follow. Summary: 1. Virtual graduation preferred through internet platforms 2. Drive in ceremony is secondarily preferred. 3. 10 people or less at a time, socially distanced. This guidance will be online shortly. Each school district needs to work with their local health department to ensure safety. Graduation parties- this can pose a large risk. Remember, the order still prohibits gatherings of individuals of 10 or more. 

Social Security admin – If you get supplemental security income, you will get your $1,200 payment from the IRS automatically. But if you get SSI, have not filed your tax return and have an eligible child you must act now to get $500 per child in addition to your normal payment. If you missed the May 5 deadline go to for more information. There is a working group being put together to address child care. As we open up the economy, we have to know that congregate settings (daycare) have the same risks as schools do.

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted – We try to listen to everyone and get the best advice. Business group was unanimous in agreeing that face coverings should be required. We have since found that others have found that mandate impractical. 1. For Ohioans, when you are a customer in an Ohio business, you should wear a face covering. You are not required, but you should. This is out of mutual respect for one another. 2. Employers and employees – face coverings are required while you are on the job. With exceptions for those: when an employee is prohibited by law from wearing one, when it is against documented industry best practices, when it isn’t advisable for health purposes, when it is a violation of the companies safety policies, when an employee is sitting alone in an enclosed workspace, when there is a practical reason a face covering cannot be worn by an employee (extreme heat). If you believe you qualify for an exception, you must provide written justification upon request. Please continue to be reasonable and comply with these directives because you care about each other. If you cannot supply proper PPE for your business, you are not permitted to open.

Dr. Amy Acton – Hospitalizations have trended slightly up in the last 24 hours. Tested 128,000 people in Ohio. ICU admissions are a little lower today. There are people for health reasons that cannot wear a mask, and it is not recommended under the age of 2. We understand this, and are trying to appeal to you. We are aiming to get most of us to do the right thing, when we all do this collectively we are protecting each other. Don your mask. Recovery data- there hasn’t been a largely agreed upon definition of recovery so this data is difficult to capture.

Ohio Confirmed Cases: 16,601

Ohio Probable Cases: 702

Ohio Total Confirmed plus Probable: 17,303

Ohio Hospitalizations: 3,421

ICU Admissions: 1,014

Ohio Confirmed COVID Deaths: 856

Ohio Probable COVID Deaths: 81

Wood County Cases (total plus probable): 157

Wood County Hospitalizations: 48

Wood County Long Term Care Cases: 118

Wood County Deaths: 20

County EOC Objectives:

1. Coordinate the county’s response to limit spread of COVID-19; and maintain medical care.

2. Provide timely, clear, and consistent messaging to the public, stakeholders and media on the status of COVID-19 and actions the public can take to keep themselves safe.

3. Determine how county agencies will continue delivery of essential services to Wood County residents while following COVID-19 public health guidelines.

4. Prevent, identify, mitigate, and respond to COVID19 hotspots within the county.


An abbreviated version of this report can be found at: .

Also, please contact us if you have PPE to donate, if you have any PPE needs or have any questions. We are also looking for individuals selling cloth masks so we can connect citizens looking for them. If you are one of these people making masks for a fee or a donation please send us your information to have on hand if we find people looking. We have had some phone calls and have been able to connect these individuals. Businesses looking for large suppliers of cloth masks can contact Skyrocket/BiG Fab Labs at 419-466-0668 or .

EMA and public health have been working with areas of concern and identified “hotspots” in the county to ensure their PPE supply is adequate to meet the needs of the situation. We continue to accept, inventory, and fulfill PPE resource requests.

Ohio Emergency PPE Maker’s Exchange is an available online resource to share and purchase personal protective equipment created through the ingenuity of Ohio manufacturers who have answered the call to help.

Public Health:

There are 16,601 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ohio. There are 157 cases (total confirmed plus probable) presently in Wood County, 48 of those hospitalized, 118 in long term care, and 20 deaths.

Health department staff are answering calls regarding testing, essential business concerns, employee safety, the stay-at-home order and many other questions. Case follow-up and close contact tracing is being coordinated by a team of employees.

Wood County residents who feel they may have coronavirus are encouraged to complete a survey that will help local public health better track the illness. Wood County residents are asked to report coronavirus symptoms at .


Please realize that our agency is continually taking in donations and pushing out resource requests. Our abilities change similar to your needs. For formal resource requests, please contact us at: .

Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS:

Law enforcement grant funding available. for more information

Many PPE requests have been submitted and addressed. If you have a need, please put in a formal request in writing to: . Please realize that our agency is continually taking in donations and pushing out resource requests. Our abilities change similar to your needs.

Wood County Health Department is implementing a new procedure for testing symptomatic first responders or their immediate household family members through UTMC. Requests for testing must be sent by the Chief to

For the past 15 months, the  Wood County First Responder Support Team  has been reaching out to those who need help dealing with the stress, whether it’s directly related to incidents on the job or life issues with family, marriage, kids. The support team offers first responders a chance to talk one on one, with full confidentiality, to a peer – someone who knows the drill.  These volunteers have been trained through the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police.

Wood County Commissioners:

Effective today Wednesday, April 29, all people entering the Courthouse Complex and all Wood County buildings are required to wear a mask, scarf, or other covering on their face prior to entering. Please be prepared for this. Wood County is unable to provide masks to visitors.

Masks shall be worn in all public areas of all buildings, and social distancing of at least 6 feet shall be maintained. Additionally, all visitors will have their temperature taken and be asked several health questions before being permitted to proceed. If they have a fever greater than 100 degrees, they must wait while a representative of the office they wish to visit is contacted.

As Wood County Offices and Departments work to comply with the Governor’s re-opening plan, we still recommend that visitors please call before you come – Access to many County offices and departments is restricted. To obtain phone numbers to County offices and departments, please access the County website: To obtain information by phone, please call (419)354-9000 or 1-866-860-4140 (toll free).

Wood County Landfill:

The Public Drop-off area of the Wood County Landfill will reopen on Friday, May 1. This area has been closed since the Governor issued the Shelter-in-Place Order. All people coming to do business at the Landfill are required to wear a mask, scarf, or covering on their face while at the payment window. Please be prepared with your own mask


Publishing a situation report twice/week.

BGSU Athletics is partnering with Campus Pollyeyes, Sam B’s, and Jimmy John’s to feed local hospital, nursing home, law enforcement, and grocery store workers on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19. Please click the link below to provide a free meal for these hometown heroes. For every meal purchased you will receive a FREE ticket to BGSU Football’s 2020 home opener on Saturday, Sept. 12. You can be a part of the fight and help make a difference.


BG Municipal Court- Friday, May 1, all people entering the Bowling Green Municipal Court facility will be required to wear a face mask, scarf, shield or other face covering. Six-feet social distancing will be maintained. The court will not provide face masks or have them available for the general public. Visitors will have their temperatures taken and be asked basic health questions. Visitors with temperatures of 100 degrees or higher, or who have been exposed to COVID-19 will be denied entry. Attorneys are required to contact and inform their clients of the face covering requirement. The court asks that anyone affected by the coronavirus to reach out to their attorneys or the court before they come to the courthouse. This includes anyone who made recent trips to areas with widespread coronavirus cases, those who had close contact with travelers, and people diagnosed with the virus. The court will continue to make reasonable accommodations to reschedule hearings or allow parties to appear by phone or video.

COVID-19 testing will occur at Bowling Green State University at the Perry Field House located at 801 N. Mercer Road, today and Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Ohioans can register at: . People needing a test will use a virtual screening tool based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to see if they are eligible.

Those who are eligible for the testing include CDC Priority 1, 2 and 3. Criteria for testing include persons with COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) who: Are healthcare workers, are first responders (EMS, fire, law enforcement), are 65 years of age or older, are critical infrastructure workers with symptoms, have a chronic health condition (heart disease, lung disease or an immune-system-lowering condition, such as diabetes), experience mild symptoms and live in communities with high numbers of COVID-19 hospitalizations. Those eligible will next select the appropriate testing location and appointment time. 

Then, registrants will receive an email confirmation with pre-appointment paperwork. When the patient arrives for a test, they should have a photo ID ready and leave their windows rolled up for check-in. A healthcare practitioner will approach the car and alert the patient when to roll down their window. The drive-thru testing location has a self-administered nasal swab that must be ordered and observed by a provider. Kroger determined this testing methodology is beneficial as it increases the number of tests that can be provided while conserving the personal protective equipment utilized.

In conjunction with the new Wood County Senior Center construction, South Grove Street will be closed to traffic from West Wooster Street to Clough Street. The closure will occur from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, reopening each night. The closure is required to perform sanitary and storm sewer connections

The next food distribution and senior food box program will be held Friday, May 1, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., at First United Methodist Church, 1526 E. Wooster St., Bowling Green. Free fresh produce and other food will be available in limited quantities. This is for anyone in Wood County who meets the income guidelines or who has recently lost their job. SeaGate Food Bank will also be present at the same time to hand out Senior Boxes to those who meet their eligibility requirements. There will also be an additional free box of food handed out by Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank. There will be a new drive-thru set-up this month to distribute food in accordance with current guidelines to help prevent the spread of viruses.  You are asked to remain in your vehicles in the church parking lot and wait for volunteer instructions. Our volunteers appreciate your patience as we try to continue to serve those in need safely. Contact the church if you have questions at 419-353-0682.  

Administrative Information: 

Any information and contributions your agency has for this report is valuable to maintain a common operating picture and situational awareness for the county as a whole.

Please reach out to our office via phone or email (email preferred) to share information. 

EOC Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Requesting support: Call Wood County EMA at 419-354-9269 or email

ODH Call line: 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)