Submitted by Wood County Health District
This month, breastfeeding advocates will combine efforts in the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding in the United States. August 1 – 7 has been designated as World Breastfeeding Week. The 2016 theme is about how breastfeeding is a major factor in getting us to think about how to value our well-being from the start of life, how to respect each other and care for the world we share.
WIC Promotes, Protects and Supports Breastfeeding
One of the major goals for the WIC program is to improve the nutritional status of infants. As a result, WIC health professionals encourage WIC mothers to breastfeed their infants. Below are a few reasons why we believe that breastmilk is the optimal food for your baby.
Breastmilk is good food for your baby. Breastmilk has a significantly positive impact on immune function, digestion, and brain development to mention just a few benefits. The World Health Organization calls mother’s early milk or colostrum “baby’s first immunization” because of the many immune factors it contains. These factors or antibodies provide protection from infection and illness. They are particularly important during baby’s first weeks outside of its mother’s protective womb when vulnerability to infection and diseases is high.
Breastfeeding Protects: mom, baby and Earth
This year’s Breastfeeding Awareness Month theme in Ohio is Breastfeeding Protects: mom, baby and Earth. We know breastfeeding protects baby’s health, but what about Mom? According to research, mothers who breastfeed are less likely to experience breast/ovarian cancers, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease to list a few. Also, nursing moms are less likely to experience postpartum depression due to powerful and “feel good” hormones released during lactation.
Additionally, breastfeeding is the most natural and ecological way to feed a baby. Feeding a baby at the breast requires just two things – mom and baby’s bodies. It’s totally plastic free and no products are needed! This automatically reduces waste from production to feeding, not to mention the huge monetary savings that are realized. When you consider the pollution and waste materials generated by formula manufacturing and packaging, feeding breastmilk either directly from breast, or bottle produces far less waste and uses minimal natural resources.
In view of the lifesaving, monetary and ecological benefits of breastfeeding, we encourage everyone in our community to support breastfeeding because our families, communities and society benefit from having healthier moms, babies and children. Here is what you can do to support breastfeeding: tell a breastfeeding mom you encounter how appreciative you are for what she is doing, pass a note or say something like, “Thank you for breastfeeding.” You will make her day!
Give Breastfeeding A Chance
The Wood County WIC program is happy to join in celebrating this special month by inviting all our breastfeeding moms to stop by the WIC clinic any business day in August and receive a gift package and treats as our way of saying “Thank You.” If you are a pregnant mom, stop by for a quick chat and a treat. WIC health professionals encourage you to give breastfeeding a chance. Any amount of breastfeeding is a success! We are convinced you will not regret your decision to give your baby the best start on life.
For more information about breastfeeding, call the Wood County WIC office at 419-354-9661. Walk-Ins are welcome.