Beginning Monday, Sept. 26, the City of Bowling Green will be conducting a brush pickup. Brush should not be placed curbside any sooner than one week prior to pickup.
Brush and limbs should be placed curbside loosely, not bundled. Stumps and limbs in excess of 12 inches in diameter and 10 feet in length will not be picked up. Brush mixed with leaves or other yard debris will not be collected.
The city, at its discretion, will not collect entire trees placed in the right of way as a result of work by a contractor or are of such size and multitude, that it surpasses the intent of the brush collection. This is not an unlimited brush collection.
People living on cul-de-sacs, should not place brush in the cul-de-sac green space as it may block fire hydrants or may make it unmanageable for city equipment to remove.
There will be one citywide sweep of all four wards. Pick up will start in Ward I. Once the crew leaves a street, they will not return.
Pickup is by ward and not by the normal refuse collection day. Brush collection is only for locations which receive city refuse collection. To ensure pick up of your brush, it should be placed curbside by 7 a.m. on Sept. 26.
Any questions regarding the brush pickup should be directed to the Public Works Department at 419-354-6227.