Wood County Sheriff’s Office and Bowling Green Police Department are investigating an inmate, Christopher Michael Eldredge, who escaped custody at 4:21 p.m. today while being treated at Wood County Hospital Emergency Department in Bowling Green.
Eldredge fled on foot from a deputy and proceeded to steal a vehicle in the city of Bowling Green. The vehicle has since been recovered in Toledo. Eldredge, a 35-year-old white male, 6 foot and 190 pounds with a shaved head, was incarcerated at Wood County Jail on misdemeanor offenses.
He has a bald eagle tattoo on his chest, a black panther and pit bull tattoos on the upper part of his back, and a large bump on his head.

Eldredge was arrested on April 7 for receiving stolen property.
He was last seen wearing an orange jumpsuit, and could possibly be in the Toledo area. If located, do not approach, and call 9-1-1 and advise the local authorities in your area. There is an active warrant out for his arrest.