More than 100 voices of BGSU’s University Choral Society, the Collegiate Chorale, the A Cappella Choir with seven soloists and the Bowling Green Philharmonia will conclude the semester with a performance of Felix Mendelssohn’s oratorio “Elijah,” Sunday, April 24, at 3 p.m. in Kobacker Hall on campus.
According to Mark Munson, director of the Choral Society and the A Cappella Choir, “Elijah” is one of the most popular oratorios in the choral world.
The oratorio tells of the epic confrontation between the prophet Elijah and King Ahab and the prophets of Baal. Drawn from the first two books of Kings, it tells of Israel in the midst of drought. With the king blaming Elijah and his followers blaming the worship of Baal.

When the people pray to Jehovah the rain comes.
Ahab’s wife Queen Jezebel seeks revenged on an exhausted Elijah who is ready to die. He is in the end comforted by the still, small voice of God, and is taken to heaven in a fiery chariot.
Baritone Keith Phares sings the role of Elijah. Other soloists performing will be: Christopher Scholl, Katherine Pracht Phares, Sujin Lee, Ivana Butler, Anna Murcko, and Sara Avery.
Munson said bringing all the separate ensembles together, each with their own director, for the final performance is a challenge. “There are many movements to learn, but performing the great work is very satisfying as it all comes together,” he said.
Emily Freeman Brown will conduct the performance.
Richard Schnipke directs the Collegiate Chorale.
The concert is being dedicated to Katrina Carrico, a music student who died unexpectedly of natural causes in November. The violinist was concertmaster of the Philharmonia and died the night before she would have performed her senior recital. In her memory, donations to The Epilepsy Foundation for Northwest Ohio are being requested.
Tickets for the concert are $8. Click to purchase.