Falcon fam cam: Peregrine falcons expand their family in Wood County Courthouse clock tower

Peregrine falcon with three hatched eggs

Three of the four peregrine falcon eggs have hatched in the Wood County Courthouse clock tower as of today (May 10) at 6 p.m.

The live nest camera is again set up in the clock tower as Bowling Green’s pair of peregrine falcons raise another family.

The Falcon Cam (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1cUyZ7oGPs) is a partnership between the Wood County Commissioners and BGSU. The peregrine falcon is BGSU’s official mascot.

This is the 14th year in a row the falcons have chosen this spot to nest. The first egg this year was laid on April 2, followed by the others on April 5, 7 and 10. The first hatchling appeared on Thursday (May 9), shortly after noon.

The peregrine is renowned for its speed. It can reach over 200 mph during its characteristic high-speed dive while hunting.

Feeding time in the courthouse clock tower