City of Bowling Green continues natural gas aggregation program

The City of Bowling Green will continue with IGS Energy of Dublin, Ohio, as the supplier of natural gas to participants in its Natural Gas Aggregation Program. During the billing period of December 2024 through November 2026, the fixed rate will be $0.575 per CCF, plus applicable state and local taxes.

Columbia Gas of Ohio (COH) customers are automatically enrolled in the Bowling Green Natural Gas Aggregation Program unless they choose to “opt out” – that is, to not participate, and notify IGS Energy that they do not wish to participate. There is no cost for enrollment and customers do not need to do anything to be included. Customers may cancel enrollment from this program at any time with no cancellation fee by providing notice to IGS Energy.

Under this program IGS Energy will deliver gas to COH and then COH will deliver that gas to the customer. COH will maintain the pipeline system that delivers natural gas to homes or businesses. COH will continue to read meters and will continue to send a monthly bill that will include the gas supply charge from IGS Energy. 

Customers should still contact COH regarding loss of gas service, odor of gas, or for any other concerns or issues having to do with local service. Budget billing and automatic billing options will continue to be available through COH.

Questions should be directed to IGS Energy by calling 1-877-353-0162, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. For general information on natural gas deregulation in Ohio, visit the websites of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel ( or the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (

Customers are not eligible to participate in this program if they are currently enrolled in the PIPP program. Customers, who are already under contract with a competitive retail natural gas service provider, may incur a contract termination fee or other charges if they fail to opt-out of the aggregation program.

Properties served by Suburban Natural Gas are not eligible to select an alternative gas supplier.