Issue 1 ballot language is ‘endless, slanted & confusing’; the issue itself is simple

I recently voted, and I was dismayed to see the endless, slanted and confusing language on the ballot describing Ohio Issue 1.  

The issue itself is simple – who draws up the voting district map of the state?  Our politicians have been unable, for years, to create a map that doesn’t favor the party and people in power. Our state Supreme Court has said our current map continues this problem.  So Ohio citizens proposed a constitutional amendment that creates an independent commission to draw the districts. Their map can’t favor one party or politician (called gerrymandering).  Simple, right?  

But current politicians, with much to lose, controlled the language describing the amendment on the ballot.   You’ll see it’s long and uses the term “gerrymandering”  for both sides of the issue.  Thus, the confusion, which seems deliberate.

 But the basic issue is still very simple.  I encourage everyone to vote their conscience on this major issue – Yes for the independent commission, No for the current system. But please don’t vote in confusion.  The issue is far too important for that.

Gary Saunders

Bowling Green