Wood Lane Residential Services is looking for participants who want in on its Super Bowl LIX Square Fundraiser.
Wood Lane Residential hopes to sell 100 squares at $25 per square by Jan. 30 for the fundraiser.
Participants will have a chance to win part of the WLRS pot when the Super Bowl is played on Sunday, Feb. 9. Winners are determined by having the square number that matches the score at the end of each quarter.
For the first, second and third quarters, winning numbers will be worth $250. The person whose square has the final score at the end of the game will win $500. Wood Lane Residential will notify individuals who have the winning squares.
The proceeds benefit WLRS to assist with programs and services for the residents.
Squares may be purchased by contacting Kristie Peek at kpeek@wlrs.org or 419-353-8481 to reserve a number and make payment arrangements.