BG Independent News
Lane Hakel was attracted to “Balloonacy” in part because he’d always wanted to do a one-man show.
The show, which he performed Saturday at the Wood County District Public Library, is not actually a “one-man” show. Instead, it is a theatrical concerto for actor and improvising children’s chorus.

Aimed at kids 5-9 but with appeal ranging younger and much, much older, “Balloonacy” by Barry Kornhauser tells the story of a lonely old man who is struggling with celebrating his birthday. Everything goes wrong to hilarious effect. And then a red balloon forces its way into the man’s room and his life, and the fun really begins.
Hakel covers a range of emotions from sadness to giddiness, playfulness and regret, and the kids are there with him every step of the way, encouraging him, advising him, steering him, and laughing with and at him. They play their parts with joy and gusto.

Though the actor never says a word, the play speaks volumes. Hakel gets his point across with gestures, gait, and grunts. A soundtrack sets up the shifts in tone.
In the end, “Balloonacy” invites the audience to imagine where the man and his balloon are going next.
The Children’s Theatre Workshop production continues its run of school performances through the fall, including at Kenwood and Crim this week.