BG City School District releases first of six ‘Quality Profiles’ on strengths and services

This past fall, members of the Bowling Green City School District began a district initiative to help tell the entire story of BGCS. This initiative was to create the district’s first ever Quality Profile (QP). The QP is intended to capture a more complete picture of the district’s strengths and comprehensive services. 

The QP highlights six areas of the district. These areas include: Academics, the Arts, Student Leadership & Activities, Fiscal Stewardship, Parent & Community Involvement, and Student Services. The information included is inclusive of the entire district, PK-12, and from all departments and areas.

For decades the Ohio Department of Education has released a State Report Card for Ohio’s school districts. This report is based, in large part, on a series of single day assessments of students. The state assessments and reports are one important indicator of student progress, but there is no single measure that can accurately capture and report all that is accomplished in Bowling Green City Schools. (BGCS earned 4.5 out of 5 stars on the most recent State Report Card) A Quality Profile provides a more complete picture than that provided by a State Report Card.

Check out the first profile here: