At the December meeting of the Bowling Green Community Foundation Board four new trustees were sworn in and four outgoing trustees were honored.
The four new trustees to serve a three-year term are Lindsay Jo Durham, Mike Marsh, Stacy Poca, and Inge Klopping. They were sworn in by BGCF President Marcia Latta.
Latta presented glass awards to the outgoing trustees in appreciation for their service to the foundation and the community. Matt Karaffa, Kacee Ferrell-Snyder, and Steve Arnold (not pictured) served six-year terms and Joe Fawcett served a three-year term.

The Bowling Green Community Foundation, a non-profit entity, exists to improve the quality of life in the Bowling Green area by providing funding and support for diverse and innovative programs that enhance the health, welfare and vitality of the Bowling Green community. Private contributions are the sole support of the foundation.
The foundation achieves its purpose through its grant program. At the end of each calendar year, and after evaluation of the applications submitted to the foundation, the grants committee distributes funds to be used the following year. Its selections may include proposals written for educational or sports activities, health or safety initiatives, environmental sustainability, as well as for the visual or performing arts.