BG Independent News
Bowling Green City Council on Monday paved the way for more pickle production in the city by approving an interim zoning change for approximately 19 acres adjacent to Hartung Brothers pickle company on the southeast edge of the city.
Last month, council approved the annexation of the new acreage on South Dunbridge Road from Center Township.
The zoning change was requested by Hartung Brothers, and recommended for approval by the Bowling Green Planning Commission. The request was for the acreage to be changed from A-1 agricultural zoning to IE innovation and employment zoning.
The current pickle production acreage is already zoned for innovation and employment.
Bowling Green Planning Director Heather Sayler said Monday that the annexation and zoning change will prepare the pickle plant at 815 S. Dunbridge Road for possible expansion.
“We anticipate at some point they will grow into that parcel,” Sayler said.
Prior to the council meeting Monday evening, a public hearing was held as required for any zoning change. No one spoke against the change.

Another public hearing was held Monday evening to get public input on a request for a home at 503 Buttonwood Ave. be placed on the Local Historic Register with historic overlay zoning, as suggested by the Historic Preservation Commission.
The home, owned by Charles and Jean Ladd, was built in 1888 and formerly was the site of an ice cream factory. The Ladds requested the historic designation, and no one at the hearing spoke against their request.
The city’s Historic Preservation Commission found the residence met several of the criteria necessary to be deemed worthy of the distinction. The home was built in 1888 in a federal architectural style with a gabled roof. It was the home of Harold Henry Harms, founder of Henry Manufacturing, later Henry Filters. And the location possesses historical significance as the site of the former Harms Ice Cream factory operated by the Harms family.

Also at Monday’s meeting, Winnie Rex asked for community members to attend the “Mitte-n Greet” planned by the BG Save Our Neighborhoods Group, at the Wintergarden Park lodge on Saturday, Jan. 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. All community members are invited to this family friendly event to enjoy a hot chocolate bar, homemade cookies and a craft project featuring mittens.
BG SONG’s Call to Action Team members will be on hand to share information on new projects to improve housing, transportation and climate resiliency in Bowling Green. Initiated by community residents who participated in BG SONG’s October Call To Action event, the four teams have been meeting regularly since November.
There will also be an activity focusing on walking and spending time outdoors with maps of Bowling Green available for participants to “map a walk” from home to a BG park of their choice.
Donations for the Brown Bag Food Pantry are welcome. Child or adult size mittens, gloves, scarves and hats, toiletries and hygiene items as well as donations of unexpired and unopened food will be accepted.
Contact with questions or to let the group know you will attend. RSVPs are not required but will be appreciated.