BG Fire Division extinguishes 4 fires started in park woods

Bowling Green east side fire station

The state fire marshal’s office is investigating suspected arson in the woods off Kenwood Avenue.

Bowling Green Fire Division responded to multiple fires Monday at 12:47 p.m., on property owned by the Wood County Park District.

According to the fire division’s Deputy Chief Tony Zmarzly, they were notified of the fire when someone driving on Kenwood Avenue reported smoke in the area near the trail entrance.

Firefighters found four separate fires that burned just under an acre of underbrush and leaves, Zmarzly said.

Access to the fires was difficult, so Pemberville and Weston fire departments assisted with their grass fire trucks.

“It was deep in the wooded section of the park,” Zmarzly said.

The fires were extinguished in about an hour.

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