Several students at Bowling Green City Schools were recognized for positive behavior during the month of January.
BG Middle School’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Program motto is, “We are Bobcat Proud, We are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe.” Each month, teachers nominate students throughout the building, who go above and beyond and actively demonstrate these PBIS core values as students of the month.
All three Bowling Green City Schools elementaries have released the names of students who have been awarded Bobcat Pride status in January. Bobcat Pride students are chosen by their teacher because they have displayed Bobcat Pride behavior during that time: being respectful, responsible and safe in all areas at school, in the community and at home.

Bowling Green Middle School January PBIS Students of the Month:
Georgia Blanc, Jaylen Binkowski, Baelea Bunting, Angelina Cormier, Julio Corral, Addison Corney, Keiton Crawford, Braelyn Domonokos, Jaida Jones, Mason Kostelnik, Rayce Krupp, Chakir Lawrence, Ella Malone, Reese Mangette, Aiden Mathias, Phoebe McClure, Gabe McCoy, Arianny Miller, Bryson Perez, Lainey Pollick, Brayden Richter, Mekhi Smith, Jaivah Smallwood, Blake Stanton, Jase Stough, Vivian Tracy, Peyton White, Anabel Wulff, Marley Zachary.
January Bobcat Pride Students

Conneaut Elementary:
Jhett Archer, Asher Avery, Ella Brandeberry, Joey Budke, Cammy Coakley, Malcolm Clark, Grayson Connin, Theo Cope, Catti Cordes, Ryan Daily, Layla Duran, Carolina Gutierrez, Izzy Haas, Mani Heydarnoori, Zoe Kern, Alice Kimbrough, Dacio McNeeley, Payton McKenzie, Ruby Mierzejewski, Effie Paskaris, Adrianna Ross, Riley Sickler, Colton Tyda, McKenna Wieber.

Crim Elementary:
Emily Barton, Noah Blausey, William Bryant, Phillip Coble, James Davis, Lukas Emery, En’mrei Fields, Kate Grames, Ashton Jazwiecki, Iris Kieffer-Airhart, Draven Madden, Makenzie Miller, Abigail Mills, Esteban Sanchez-Perez, Parker Schneider, Sawyer Shank, Dillon St. Clair Jr., Sophia Talley, Connor Thomas, Nathalia Track, Hayden Wcislak, Dezmond Wright.

Kenwood Elementary:
Blake Borders, Dominick Briner, Aria Dumas, Breighlynn Ferguson, Emily Grunwell, Parker Hoffsis, Fred Kirian, Charlotte Marks, Zachary Marks, Kaycee Peeps, Emree Reynolds, Eloise Smith, Hunter Smith, Madi Snow, Michael Trampevski, Adlai Wells, Zohie Wood, Roman Zayak.