BG Ministerial Association to offer prayers for frontline workers through ‘Zoom Caring’

First United Methodist Church

The Bowling Green Ministerial Association invites the churches of the community, and the community at large, to join in support of our community health care workers as the COVID19 pandemic continues to unfold. 

We will host a “Zoom Caring” meeting each Friday starting Jan. 8, 2021 – to offer “Prayers for the Frontline”. The meetings will start at noon and are open to all. 

In our clergy association, we hear stories of the tremendous pressure and anxiety our health care workers work under every single time they go to work. We hear the stories of grief as friends and loved ones die. We hear the stories of great courage as health care workers, from nursing home staff to the nurses, doctors and housekeeping of our hospitals push aside their personal fears as they care for others. What are your stories? Where are you struggling? 

The BGMA invites a community response to this community crisis. As a faith fellowship, we are opening a weekly community prayer “Zoom Caring.” Each gathering will allow for participants to give thanks for our health care workers, to pray for them, and to tell their pandemic stories of both heroic caring and of loss. The link will be 38Zlx5B

In addition, we call on church and community members to reflect on all health care workers they know personally, and to creatively express their gratitude and support in these coming difficult weeks. As clergy, we are seeing first-hand the huge impact that from-the-heart phone calls, cards, emails and little gifts can make for these workers. We’ll post a sample note on our website to prompt your thoughts. 

A bedrock Christian value is caring for our neighbors. Let’s step up together to care for those who are caring for all our neighbors, and for us, in this historic time. 


Rev. Andrea Curry 

Bowling Green Ministerial Association