BG Police arrest man reportedly found with items stolen from several vehicles

BG Police Division building

Bowling Green Police arrested a man Thursday (March 20) who reportedly had stolen property from several vehicles earlier in the day. 

Police received the first call at 6:49 a.m., from a resident in the 500 block of Frazee Avenue, who said his vehicle had been broken into overnight. Taken from his car were Reebok work boots, Nike Air Force shoes, Ugg boots and $50 in cash. Left behind, reportedly by the person who broke in, was a vaping device.

Less than a half hour later, police were called to a gas station on South Main Street for a report of a suspicious male at a gas pump, wearing a mask. Police found the red van, driven by Shaun Powell Jr., 18, of Bowling Green, leaving the parking lot. Powell reportedly failed to stop for a stop sign and did not use his signal when turning – giving police cause for pulling him over on South Main Street.

Powell had no driver’s license, and reportedly told police he was unaware that he needed one.

Police were able to see a bag of marijuana on the front passenger seat, so they searched the van.

In the van, police reportedly found the size 12 Reebok boots and Nike shoes – too large for Powell – belonging to the theft victim on Frazee. Officers also found a Michael Kors wallet, an iPad, a University of Maryland identification card, and a AAA card – all belonging to people other than Powell.

Powell was arrested for receiving stolen property, underage possession of marijuana, underage possession of paraphernalia, no operator’s license, and no turn signal. He was taken to Wood County Jail.

Police returned the wallet to a resident on East Merry Avenue, and the AAA card to another woman living on Thurstin Avenue. The University of Maryland ID and a bottle of Givenchy cologne were returned to a resident on East Napoleon Road.

The police were able to get the iPad back to its owner when a woman on Thurstin Avenue called to say she was able to track the iPad’s location to the BG Police Department. Unlike Powell, she knew the passcode to open the iPad.