The body of the suspect in a morning shooting at El Zarape restaurant was found in the Ivywood apartment. The identification of the deceased is pending notification of the family.

Armed police officer had blocked off the apartment, brought in the SWAT team, and evacuated residents in adjoining units

Reporters on the scene have been asked to back up so they are not caught in any crossfire.
Police responded to a shooting shortly after 9:30 a.m. today (May 1) at El Zarape Restaurant on East Wooster Street.
The victim who was shot was able to identify the shooter. He was taken to Wood County Hospital with what are believed to be non-life threatening injuries,.
Police believe the suspect is holed up in his apartment in Ivywood at on East Clough Street.
Police have an armed presence and have been trying to contact the suspect. They are calling to the suspect using a bullhorn. There has been no response as of 11:30 a.m.
East Clough Street is blocked in the vicinity of the apartment complex. Businesses in the area have been warned of the situation.
A message from Superintendent Francis Scruci at 12:57 p.m. said that no schools are in lockdown at this time because there is no active shooter and police are in control of the situation. He said the schools were working closely with the police.
(This is a breaking story that will be updated as the situation develops.)