Cassie Greenlee, of the Wood County District Library staff, leads a dragon through the library atrium over a path of bubble wrap to create the sound of "fireworks." The dragon and lantern parade was part of the library's celebration of the Chinese New Year.
With snow flakes in the air to set the mood, Bowling Green hosted the annual BG Winterfest Chillabration, a sweet and spicy way to combat the drab weather.
A young visitor checks out ice sculptures in front of the Frozen Swamp tent during BG Winterfest Chillabration Saturday.
From curling to the north, a chili cook off to the west, BGSU hockey and basketball to the east, and a Chocolate Crawl and Frozen Swamp tent with vendors, a beer garden and live music in the heart of downtown BG, the festival offered a weekend’s worth of ways to celebrate to coolest time of year.
Curling action during the Hal McGradyBonspeil for teams that have been competing for less than five years. The competition was held at the Black Swamp Curling Center.Mike Esser, Maumee, helps his daughter Erin and Lindsay Folkerth, Lucky, helps her daughter Margaret Folkerth Mylander make paper lanterns as part of the Chinese New Year celebration at the Wood County District Public Library. Esser said his family came down to enjoy the Chillabration festivities. Folkerth said she and her daughter are regulars at the library’s story times. “They do such a good job,” she said. On left, Amy Raymond, assistant children’s librarian, leads a play about the Chinese zodiac at the library.Bowling Green student window art on display downtown.Ice sculpture for the Wood Soil and Water Conservation District.Bob Manley blows his soprano saxophone with the Joe Baker Band in the Frozen Swamp Tent.Joe Baker Band performs late Saturday afternoon.Corduroy Road on stage in the Frozen Swamp tent Saturday night.