BGCS parents: School board actions ‘unethical’

We write this letter on behalf of a group of concerned BGCS parents. We believe the recent actions of the school board have been extremely unethical.

First, we are concerned about how the matrix for making decisions about in person and hybrid school has been ignored. We realize that the governor’s actions with regard to vaccine distribution forced a return to hybrid. However, the school board could and should still follow the matrix for decisions between hybrid and 5-day in person. The matrix follows CDC recommendations for lower risk school environments. The current actions of the board represent a high risk of COVID transmission in schools according to the CDC: (
We are troubled that when parents were initially offered choices between hybrid and online (NOVA) learning options, fully in person learning was not discussed as a likely near-term next step and the survey from the teacher’s association did not even consider a full-5-day in-person schedule possible. Parents made decisions based on the choices presented to us not knowing that TWO weeks into the hybrid sessions a decision to return to high-density 5-day in-person schooling would be made with no input from parents and community members, and a blatant disregard for the input from the teachers. Additionally, returning to a 5-day in-person will force some students in AP courses and honor courses to weigh their own health and the health and safety of their family members against their hard work in these courses, as many of these courses are not options in the NOVA program.  
Perhaps most disturbing is the manner in which a vote for a major change in schooling was made after the board stated the meeting on March 9, 2021 was for discussion only. Regardless of the legality of this vote, this was an unethical and deceptive action. It will be hard for us to trust any future statements or actions of the current board members. 

Sandra Faulkner, Kevin McCluney, Claire Silverman, Jason Whitfield, Joshua Atkinson, Emily Anzicek

On Behalf of Concerned BGCS Parents