Tooth Fairy to visit with families during stop at Wood County Community Health Center
Brushing up on new dental care services at schools – trying to reach kids with greatest needs
Phipps, Shevlin and Hebeka Family Dentistry recognized by BG American Legion for service to veterans
BG dental practice offers veterans free service
Owens clinic to offer free dental care for children up to 18
Dr. Jenna Shevlin joins local dental practice
Klassen dental practice treats for kids for free during Back to School Wellness Day
Dental Society offering free care
BG dental practice offers free service for those who served their country
Toledo Dental Society offering free kids care through ‘Give Kids a Smile’
BG dentist Dr. Alexis Klassen gives vets, service members something to smile about
BG dental practice, Klassen & Associates, to provide free care to current and former military personnel
Dr. Alexis Klassen buys into dental practice & service to the community