North Baltimore Community Garden Project launches ‘Winter Grow to Go Program’
BG Women’s Club learns about herb garden at Wood County Museum
North Baltimore Garden Club hosts community-wide event to celebrate 90th birthday
Women’s Club of BG tours Hollenbaughs’ home garden of primarily hostas and daylilies
Chessie Circle rail-to-trail project in Perrysburg chugs along
Women’s Club of BG Garden Group plants flowers at welcome sign at north end of city
Park District selling native plants, May 4
Native Ohio plants enrich gardens and benefit ecosystem
BG Women’s Club Garden Group gathers at Eden Rose Inspirations
Women’s Club Garden Group learns about history of Oak Grove Cemetery
Library hosts Unbe-leaf-able Photography Event
Pemberville hosting monthly Garden Party, with next one on June 27
Simpson Garden Park staff battles pesky weeds, heat and mosquitoes to cultivate beauty
Friends of county parks hosting native plant sale