Democracy and Public Policy Research Network forms advisory board
BGSU to host Day of Dialogue to promote nonpartisan engagement
Issue 1 ballot language is ‘endless, slanted & confusing’; the issue itself is simple
BGSU issues poll findings: Trump leads; Senate race close; Issue 1 tightens
Elections board rejects citizen’s request to investigate and possibly purge nearly 17,000 local voters
Defaced sign draws ire of county Democrats
Wood County Recorder cautioned by state auditor about possible inappropriate election activities
Voters to meet with candidates face-to-face at League of Women Voters forum in BG Veterans Building
Democratic Party raises questions about alleged misuse of sensitive information by Rose
Republican candidate accused of looking for dirt on Democrats says he was just accessing public info
Goal of Issue 1 grassroots effort: Change Ohio’s reputation as one of nation’s most gerrymandered states
Otsego and BGSU graduate experiences once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at DNC
County GOP to hold grand opening for campaign office
Republican sheriff and Democratic senator find common ground in political divisive times