Visual art
Toledo exhibit showcases artistry of the indigenous people of the Eastern Woodlands
BG Arts Council seeks entries for ‘Perspective: Photographers of NW Ohio’
Recent BGSU art ed grad returns to celebrate the installation of her senior fiber project in school’s hallways
Transcendence exhibit to benefit trans+ community
Mural proposals up for community consideration
Mary Dawson’s flower painting garners Better than Ever prize
Arts council seeking submissions for ‘Better than Ever’ show at senior center
BG school artists exhibit work in first Imaginarium show ‘Fairy Tales, Fables, and Stories… Oh My!’
NY artist’s metal sculptures trace the evolution of objects from tools to symbols
Arts beat: Artist finds inspiration along the Maumee; sculpture walk gets a circus touch
The game’s afoot: Toledo Museum celebrates the ‘Strategic Interplay’ between chess & African art
Exhibit of paintings by Sven duChoudry opens at senior center in BG
BG Alleyway Committee seeking artists’ ideas for two mural projects
BGSU exhibit shows the many sides of artist Bing Davis’ imagination