City of BG seeks scholarship applications in memory of public power leaders

Bowling Green City Building

The City of Bowling Green is accepting scholarship applications in the memory of Lyle B. Wright and Richard H. Gorsuch for their exemplary leadership in public power. 

The nominees will be reviewed by the American Municipal Power Selection Committee.

Two $3,000 one-time scholarships are available to graduating seniors based on academic performance, good score on the public power test and participation in a variety of extracurricular activities/programs.

For the Lyle B. Wright Scholarship, an applicant must be a graduating senior living in a household that receives electricity from Bowling Green Municipal Utilities. This scholarship is not available to those who qualify for the Richard H. Gorsuch Scholarship.

For the Richard H. Gorsuch Scholarship, and applicant must be a graduating senior who has a parent or guardian who is employed by the Bowling Green Municipal Electric System.

High School transcripts showing the cumulative grade-point average are required.

Applications are available on the city website at or can be obtained in the Utility Director’s Office by calling 419-354-6246 or by emailing

Applications are due in the Utility Director’s Office, 304 N. Church St., or by email at by 4 p.m. on Dec. 15.