Fifth grade students from Conneaut Elementary recently participated in a three-day experience that their teachers created to simulate classes that they would have participated in at camp. Due to COVID restrictions, Bowling Green students could not attend fifth grade camp this year.

On Monday students experienced gaga ball, Construction Zone, Into the Forest, Critter Scene Investigation (CSI), Group Problem Solving (GPS), and Reptiles and Amphibians. Bowling Green State University – Dr. Underwood and students, brought in a variety of reptiles and amphibians for the students to hold and touch.
On Tuesday, students traveled to Oak Openings Metroparks and participated in shelter building, mystery skulls, and geocaching. Students learned how to build a lean-to that was large enough to hold two people. They worked cooperatively in order to complete this task. They also had to identify mammal skulls based on the structure of the teeth, eye placement, and size of skull. Geocaching allowed the students to use a GPS to hide an object and then provide clues for another group of students to locate it.

Wednesday morning found the 5th Graders experiencing archery, tie-dye, and orienteering. Students learned how to shoot an arrow in an archery class taught by Mike and Kaylee from Bowling Green Parks and Rec. They made tie dye shirts in the art room. Students were able to choose their own designs and learned about the color wheel and corresponding colors to make their shirts.
Chris Gajewicz taught the students how to use a compass during orienteering class. Students worked in teams to use the compass to navigate from point to point to reach a final destination. In the afternoon all of the students gathered in the gym, presented skits to their classmates, and learned camp songs taught by the teachers. Students were also treated to a couple of skits by their teachers.

While it wasn’t the normal week-long camp experience, the students appreciated the taste of camp that they did get.