Cornhole tournament to raise funds for ‘Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Project’

Participants are being sought to compete in a Cornhole Tournament on Sunday, Sept. 17, in the Wooster Green, 100 S.Church St., Bowling Green.

The tournament will raise funds for the “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Project” in partnership with the Wood County Committee on Aging, Bowling Green Kiwanis Club, and Bowling Green State University.

The deadline to register is Saturday, Sept. 9. The tournament will start at 1 p.m., and last approximately six hours.

The cost to participate will be a $25 donation for a two-member team, and $15 donation for one person, who will be paired up with another player for the competition.

There is no rain date scheduled – and the fees are considered a donation to the “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Project.”

The cornhole boards will be provided. Participants may bring their own resin bags.

The tournament will have a double elimination process. There will be four divisions – businesses, campus life, civic group, and community.

Trophies will be awarded for first place in each division.

For registration information, email BG Kiwanis at, or drop off registration and payment to the Wood County Committee on Aging, 140 S. Grove St., Bowling Green. Checks should be made payable to BG Kiwanis.