County Democrats denounce SB 1 as attack on higher education

The Wood County Democratic Party strongly denounced Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), a dangerous and politically motivated attack on Ohio’s higher education system. This bill threatens academic freedom, silences educators, and undermines efforts to create inclusive and diverse learning environments at our public colleges and universities.

[RELATED: Ohio Senate passes higher ed overhaul bill less than a day after eight hours of opponent testimony]

“This legislation is nothing more than an extremist attempt to dictate what can and cannot be taught in Ohio’s classrooms,” said Zach Schmidt, Chair of the Wood County Democratic Party. “SB 1 is an outright assault on free speech, labor rights, and the autonomy of our higher education institutions. It does nothing to improve education in Ohio—instead, it imposes government overreach that will drive away top faculty, suppress student voices, and put our state’s reputation at risk.”

Among its many harmful provisions, SB 1:

  • Guts academic freedom by forcing faculty to conform to arbitrary standards of “intellectual diversity,” opening the door for political interference in curriculum and research.
  • Eliminates diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, ignoring the proven benefits of fostering a learning environment that embraces all students, regardless of race, gender, or background.
  • Bans faculty strikes, stripping educators of their fundamental labor rights and eroding protections that ensure fair wages and working conditions.
  • Imposes unnecessary post-tenure review policies, undermining job security and discouraging highly qualified professionals from teaching in Ohio.
  • Centralizes control of universities under state political appointees, jeopardizing the ability of institutions to govern themselves effectively.

“This bill is a solution in search of a problem,” Schmidt continued. “Ohioans want strong public universities that prepare students for the future, not institutions micromanaged by politicians in Columbus. SB 1 is nothing more than a thinly veiled attack on higher education, designed to impose political ideology over learning and critical thinking.”

The Wood County Democratic Party urges all Ohioans to take action by contacting their state representatives, speaking out at public hearings, and mobilizing against this harmful legislation. Our students, faculty, and the future of higher education in Ohio deserve better.

Join Us in the Fight

The Wood County Democratic Party remains committed to defending quality, accessible, and independent higher education in Ohio. We call on elected officials from both parties to reject SB 1 and stand up for the principles of academic freedom and institutional integrity.

For more information, interviews, or to join the movement against SB 1, please contact us at or visit

Submitted by: Zach Schmidt

Chair, Wood County Democratic Party

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