CRC offers Raising Safe Kids class, starting Nov. 1

Children's Resource Center


The Children’s Resource Center will offer another session of ACT: Raising Safe Kids beginning Nov. 1. The free eight-week course teaches safe, positive parenting skills for families with young children (ages one through eight.) To make it easy for families to attend, the CRC offers child care, and a light meal during class times (5:30-7:30 PM.) Families who attend each session will also receive gas cards. All sessions will take place at the Center, 1045 Klotz Road, in Bowling Green.
Most adults—whether consciously or not—fall back on their parents’ child-rearing style when raising their own children. But that may not be the best style for their kids. ACT (Adults and Children Together 🙂 Raising Safe Kids helps parents examine the disciplinary styles they have inherited and develop their own approach.
Managing anger, helping children deal with their feelings, coping with tantrums and fights, and positive parenting techniques are topics covered in the class. Participants can also discuss their own childhood experiences with discipline and examine exposure to violence in the media. The goal is to help parents respond instead of react to their children’s behavior, and to realize they have a choice in how they discipline them.
Endorsed by the American Psychological Association, the course has been taught all over the country. An independent study performed by the U.S. Center for Disease control and Prevention found that graduates of the course used less harsh discipline and benefited from the support of their classmates in the course. With its relaxed and friendly format, ZCT” Raising Safe Kids has become so popular that the CRC now offers it year-round. Another course should begin in January, 2017.
For more information on this and the CRC’s many other programs, contact the Children’s Resource Center at 419-352-7588 or, toll-free, 1-888-466-KIDS, or go online at