Downtown BG SID rethinking role

Following the resignation early last month of its director, Tony Vetter, the board of the Bowling Green is reconsidering its role and what it provides to downtown.

Vetter resigned on June 4, and the board accepted his resignation. The SID Board put in place a transitional plan bringing on Kati Thompson and Jenny Bowers of Bowling Green Economic Development to work with SID staff member Lindsay Durham.They will provide strategic and operational support services as the organization determines next steps. 

 They will work with Durham and other staff including the maintenance staff to continue the services SID has been providing.

In a statement released in response to a query from BG Independent News, the board stated: “The SID Board intends to use this transition as an opportunity to reimagine the role of the SID and how it might offer a more robust and modernized set of services to its stakeholders. The newly established transitional management team will help in this endeavor.”

The updated contact information for Downtown BG SID is:

Lindsay Durham,  419-354-4332 (office),

Jenny Bowers, 419-215-6580,   

Kati Thompson, 419-340-6219,     

The SID is funded by an assessment on downtown property owners.