BG Independent News
Bowling Green Middle School science teacher Melanie Ferguson could hardly contain her excitement. Never has three minutes of total darkness been the focus of so much planning.
Ferguson explained to Bowling Green Board of Education Tuesday evening how every part of the school system is shining a light on the solar eclipse coming on April 8.
Classes from science, history, language arts, music, fine arts, and agriculture are considered every aspect imaginable, she said.
Every student will be sent home with free eclipse glasses, safety rated to allow them to look at the eclipsing sun. All the schools will be closed that Monday, since Bowling Green is located in the range of totality, and thousands of spectators are expected to come here to view the eclipse.
The sky will gradually begin to darken at 1:56 p.m., with the total eclipse occurring from 3:11 to 3:14 p.m.
“It really truly is an amazing experience,” Ferguson said.
To think of students being stuck on a bus, not being able to view the eclipse, would be tragic, she said.
Ferguson is really hoping all Bowling Green students will embrace the opportunity to view the eclipse from home – using their protective eyewear.
To those who pooh-pooh the idea of so many preparations for an event that might be ruined by cloudy weather, Ferguson was unapologetic.
“Sure it could be cloudy,” she said. “But I would rather have it rain than have done nothing, and miss everything.”
To show off all the students learned, an Astro Expo “Space Exploration” is planned for April 23, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., in the BG Middle School. All are welcome to attend.

Also at Tuesday’s board meeting, the high school boys basketball coach recognized Jacob Amspoker and Ahmir Ruffin for earning places on the NLL All League Cardinal Division First Team.

High school hockey coach Connor Rogowski recognized Rhett Winger for being named NHC Red Division First Team, Forward, and NHC Player of the Year, and Braden Loomis for being named NHC Red Division First Team, Defense.
High school Principal Dan Black announced that Rogowski had been selected as NHC Co-Coach of the Year. BG Athletic Director Michele Wolf was awarded the Northwest Ohio Interscholastic Administrators Association State Award of Merit.
Superintendent Ted Haselman read off the list of $14,386 donations made to the school district from the community in February. The donations include funds for student lunch debt, Jr. Bobcat Basics, student memorial, school choirs, Model UN, After Prom, girls soccer, playground equipment, field trips to Imagination Station and Mud Hens, footballs for recess, hygiene kits, and clothing.
The following items are being requested from the community:
- Kenwood Elementary: Snacks including Goldfish crackers, Cheez-Its, juice boxes and fruit snacks, plus new or gently used shoes, socks and pants.
- Conneaut Elementary: Snacks and disposable water bottles.
- Crim Elementary: Bottled water, Cheez-Its and Goldfish crackers.
- Middle School: Portable snacks, breakfast items.
- High School: No needs right now.
- School nurse: Kids’ size 6, 7 and 8 plain leggings, athletic shorts/pants for boys and girls, and plain applesauce cups.
- Bobcat Basics: Chapstick, men’s and women’s deodorant, individually wrapped granola bars and Cheez-Its.
No peanut products should be in the donated snacks.
Donations can be made to each individual school or sent to the Middle School, with a note indicating where the donated items should go.

In other business:
- Board member Peggy Thompson thanked new school communications director, Jennifer Campos, for posting various school activities on social media.
- Board member Ardy Gonyer said the annual Trivia Night for the BG Schools Foundation was once again a hit with participants.
- Board President Tracy Hovest said the search for a new district treasurer is underway. It is hoped a person to fill the spot is found by early May. “But we will not rush this process,” she said.
- Haselman said efforts are underway to hire a construction manager for the new high school.
- The board went into executive session, with no action taken once it reconvened.