Fair board director disciplined for disparaging comments made at November board meeting

The Wood County Fair's Guns and Purses Raffle was held at Pratt Pavilion.


BG Independent News

A Wood County Fair Board director was removed from the roles of committee chair or co-chair as a disciplinary measure for remarks he made at the board’s November meeting.

At Thursday’s January meeting, the board voted 13 to 5, with one abstention, to discipline Fair Board Director Matt Zeigler for making demeaning and offensive remarks during the November meeting against former Fair Board President Kyle Culp. On the board, Zeigler represents District 1 which includes Middleton, Plain, Washington, Grand Rapids and Weston townships.

As a precursor to the disciplinary committee’s recommendation, Fair Board President John Nissen read a statement at the beginning of the meeting reminding directors why they are on the board.

“I want to remind all of you that we are here for the community and the kids. Our constitution requires a professional code of conduct and I expect that to happen. We need to remember why we are here. We have young ears in the room, and I expect the language to be professional and courteous, and if you can’t adhere to this request, you may be asked to leave.”

The disciplinary measure was in response to remarks Zeigler made at November’s public meeting that were leveled against Culp regarding the way committee budgets were not handled fairly, with some committee chairs needing to ask the board for approval of every expense, and others not expected to do the same. He used a culturally and socially offensive word about Culp, referencing individuals who are intellectually and developmentally disabled.

When Bob Strow, a current fair board director, voiced his opposition to Zeigler’s remarks saying the term was not only offensive but also not politically correct, Zeigler’s unapologetic response was, “That’s as PC as I get.”

A special meeting was called on Dec. 11 to address Zeigler’s accountability and code of conduct as a fair board director. At that meeting, the board went into executive session to discuss the incident. The action taken after the executive session was to create an ad hoc disciplinary committee comprised of Kip McDowell, Dave Nietz and Brad Hannan to review the complaint against Zeigler.

At last week’s meeting, the committee’s recommendation was reviewed in an executive session and voted upon in the public portion of the meeting. The resolution read: “Our recommendation for discipline is to remove Matt Zeigler from the role of chair or co-chair of any committee. With a probation of 6 months with no further disciplinary action needed.” Members voted by paper ballot and approved the recommendation.

After the meeting, Strow said, “As an ag society member, I’m not happy about it (the decision). I don’t think the punishment fits his actions. He is still on the board, the only punishment is that he cannot just serve as a chair or co-chair of any committees for six months.”