Final course of asphalt being put on downtown streets

The contractor has begun to place the final surface course of asphalt in downtown Bowling Green. This process will take approximately three days. During this work, periodic road closures and parking restrictions will be implemented.

While Main Street is being paved, access to side streets and Wooster Street will be prohibited throughout the construction zone – from Oak to Lehman. This restriction is required to allow the asphalt to cool sufficiently and to minimize the risk of a turning movement inadvertently damaging the newly applied asphalt.

For the safety of the contractor and the traveling public, while Wooster Street is being paved, the street will close until the asphalt has sufficiently cooled to allow traffic. Both closures are anticipated to last one day each.

Once the final surface course of asphalt is applied, traffic striping will occur along with the installation of concrete around manholes and utility valve boxes. While this occurs, periodic impacts to traffic will occur.

The timeline above is dependent upon progress of work and weather. Continued patience with the ongoing construction is appreciated.

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