Firefly Nights beats the heat

Glovation stilt walkers Jennifer Baeslack as the Statue of Liberty, and Haku Jackson as Uncle Sam.


BG Independent News

Just as the heat peaked in the mid-90s Friday afternoon,  Firefly Nights volunteers were starting to work on Main Street.

By the time the summer festival swung into action three hours later, the street had turned into a wonderland of activity with bubbles floating in the air that was scented by the smells wafting from the food trucks. Uncle Sam on stilts joined in playing a bit of cornhole, and his companion, the Statue of Liberty sprayed bubbles at a youngster.

From left, Edmund,5, and Nemo, 2, Kaestner, and Jameson Parks, 4, play with buddies during the June Firefly Nights.

Founded in 2018, the series of summer festivals has persisted despite challenges that would been the death knell of other events. On Friday night the street was filled with lively sounds, of rock’n’ roll, kids trying out the Falcon Marching Band’s drums, the chatter of neighbor meeting neighbor, and lots of laughter from folks of all ages.

Kristen Strum, one of the organizers, said the heat was a challenge for the volunteers, but they had plenty of willing hands to help set up. That included 20 Betco employees and their families.

[RELATED: Downtown BG to glow as Firefly Nights summer festival series returns]

A couple vendors did back out because of concerns about the heat, she said.

Children play in the bounce house.

But with the festival underway she was all smiles at the size of the crowd. Those braving heat that was now moderating included several generations of revelers.

Jamie Parks had come up with her family from Fostoria. This was their  first Firefly Night. “We were just looking for something to do,” she said. The festival was “awesome” especially because “the majority of it is free,” she said. “That’s really nice. You don’t get to do free activities.”

Megan Kaestner was there with her two sons Edmund, 5, and Nemo, 2, they were having a grand time with their new friend, Parks’ son Jameson, 4.

“Even though it’s hot they won’t leave,” Megan Kaestner said. “They’re having too much fun.”

Amie Loeffler bounces high on the bungee trampoline.

Patton van der Merwe was downtown with her own daughter, Mary and a friend Amie Loeffler, whose mother was serving root beer floats at State Bank truck.

The girls were enjoying this year’s new attraction a bungie trampoline. Both agreed it was the best thing they’d done.

Hummel Family, from left, daughters Cassidy and Rylann, and father Tyree, greets the Glovation Mirror Man.

Tyree Hummel said he and his wife Bre’An and their two children came “just to get out for some family time.”

That included greeting and posing for a photo with Glovation’s Mirror Man.

Zoey Hoodlebrink was examining the fanciful serpents and dragons produced  by LotsoCreations.

“I like seeing so many people’s creativity,” she said.

Heather Baer, left, and her daughter Zoey Hoodlebrink discuss the range and gradation of the colors of the 3D creatures made by LotsoCreations.

The business proprietor Ahmed Orra said he started toying with 3D printing a couple years ago as a way to have fun with his three daughters. Last summer his sister, who does fairs,  suggested he sell some items through her booth. Now he has his own concession.

Given that a creature can take 15 hours to print, the family had to expand their array of printers, first to 15, and now 22.

The business is just a sideline, said Orra, mechanic at the Jeep plant. It gives his daughters a chance to get out and interact with people, and he enjoys “the smiles“ his work elicits from people.

Tony Zmarzly plays drums with AmpWagon

Scott and Sarah Gerwin were standing in the parking lot with the Great Swamp mural listening to AmpWagon. “It’s a great vibe,” Scott Gerwin said.

They’d started their evening with dinner at Juniper, a favorite eatery, she said, and were now reveling in the festival atmosphere.

He noted that the crowd included all ages from babies to elders, all enjoying themselves. “It has something for everybody.”

Elena Hemming from Julie’s Dance Studio performs a belly dance.

The next Firefly Nights festival is scheduled for July 19, 5:30-9:30 p.m. 

Customers line up for calzones and pretzels at the June Firefly Nights summer festival.
Eli Martin performs a magic trick.