First United Methodist Mom Groups Thank BG Businesses

MOPS and Moms Next at the First United Methodist Church in Bowling Green want to publicly thank the very generous donors who helped support our mission of creating better moms for a better community.

Biggby, thank you for blessing our moms with hot coffee- truly a luxury that we are so grateful for.

Stimmel’s Market, your donation of assorted donuts is always delicious and always whole-heartedly appreciated.

Thank you for supporting our community through your generous giving to our MOPS and Moms Next Moms!!

Dear BG Community- stop into Biggby and Stimmel’s Market, tell them MOPS sent you! Let’s show businesses in our community that their generosity is appreciated by patronizing them!

Jennifer Cothren
Patsy Crawford
Mothers Of Preschoolers and Moms Next
First United Methodist Church
Bowling Green

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