BG Independent News
Kids still love turkey and dressing – though some would prefer if their families served up Happy Meals on Thanksgiving. And they still list family at the top on their thankful list – even though some confide that their families tend to argue a lot on holidays.
Some are very specific about what they are thankful for. Items that adults may forget to be grateful for, like muffins, dancing and new shoes.
So following are some thoughts about Thanksgiving from Bowling Green area children.
On Wednesday, with schools closed for Thanksgiving break and with storytime scheduled in the morning, families flocked to the Wood County District Public Library in Bowling Green.
When quizzed about his favorite food at his Thanksgiving table, Theo Leis, 5, thought very carefully.
“I actually don’t know,” he said.
What about turkey? Or maybe stuffing? “I actually don’t know,” Theo repeated, explaining he had never tried either. His mom explained Theo is a picky eater.
Theo volunteered that he is hoping for sandwiches for Thanksgiving – specifically peanut butter and honey sandwiches.
What about mashed potatoes? “I eat mashed potatoes,” he said with a proud grin. But gravy or butter were both a step too far. “I actually never put any of that on potatoes.”
But Theo had no difficulty listing off what he is thankful for. “My family, my teacher, and my friends,” he said.
His younger brother, Ian Leis, 3, is a little more experimental with Thanksgiving dinner, favoring turkey and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Ian also identified what he is thankful for.
“I’m thankful for God. I’m thankful for friends … and muffins,” he said.

Also at the library were Manny Ramirez, 12, and Orlando Alvarez, 14.
Manny pinpointed mashed potatoes as his favorite – plain, no butter or gravy.
“I’m thankful for food and to have a place to live,” he said.
Orlando expressed his fondness for turkey – on Thanksgiving and the days that follow. “I like leftovers,” he said.
“I’m thankful for having everything I need,” he said. And, oh yeah, a day off school, Orlando added.
Over at the Wood County Educational Service Center in Bowling Green, parents recently listened to a “Healthy for the Holidays” program hosted by Wood County Community Learning Centers, while the children had a pizza party, food tasting, a smoothie station, and apple stamping.
Several of the children stopped dancing, eating and creating long enough to answer a few questions about Thanksgiving.

Aria Wolfe, 7, paused from coloring pictures to think about her favorite Thanksgiving food.
“Mashed potatoes with gravy,” she said, licking her lips. “They are so tasty.”
“I like that all the family gets together,” she added. “I’m thankful that the people around me love me.”
“And coloring,” she said as she picked up her markers and went back to work.

Owen Feffer, 6, admitted that he would prefer a pizza or Happy Meal for Thanksgiving dinner.
“I’m thankful for my family,” he said as he dipped his slice of pizza in ranch dressing.

Chance Bylak, 5, picked marshmallows as his favorite Thanksgiving food – not on top of sweet potatoes, but just straight up marshmallows.
At first Chance couldn’t pinpoint anything he was grateful for. “I’m thankful for nothing.” But then a few items came to mind – his new shoes, dancing and the American flag.

Addison Wagner, 6, picked traditional turkey as top on her list.
“I’m thankful for coming to this,” she said of the kids’ activities with the CLC. “I’m thankful for getting to make a smoothie.”

Justin Newcomb, a grown up and a site supervisor with Community Learning Centers, said the cranberry sauce is his favorite go-to food on Thanksgiving.
“I’m thankful for all our privileges and freedoms – though we’ve still got a lot of work,” he said.
Over at Conneaut Elementary School in Bowling Green, members of the girls basketball team recently took time to talk turkey after they wrapped up an evening practice in the gym.

Kyleigh Fordham, 9, loves the corn and mashed potatoes, plus her family and friends.
Carlie Sauve, 10, was very specific, saying her favorite dish is her mom’s green bean casserole. And she voiced thanks for her family and for her dog not getting too sick.
Anna Zera, 10, is partial to mashed potatoes and gravy. And she is grateful for family, friends and her basketball team.

Kendall Black, 10, said her favorite food on the Thanksgiving table is the rolls – minus the butter. Items on her thankful list included, “my family, a roof over my head, and friends I can talk to.”
Ellie Underwood, 11, and Ruby Underwood, 9, both love mashed potatoes smothered in gravy. Ellie expressed thanks for family, friends, food and shelter. And Ruby was grateful for her mom, friends and her three dogs – a dalmatian, pitbull mix and bulldog.