Submitted by Carole Sarkan
Grand Rapids Arts Council sponsored a week of Grand Rapids Art Camp for students in grades first through fifth. Our teachers, Ali Drozdowicz, Karin McGilvery, and Chris Heban were back again this year for a week of water-inspired art, music, movement, and construction. Snacks were also provided throughout the week. GRAC (Grand Rapids Arts Council) members assisted. A program showcasing what the students learned and created was presented to parents, families, and community on Friday.
From the art classes taught by Ali:
For the many art projects, students participated in a type of resist printing spray painting process using drafting tape to create subtractive designs, a water-themed watercolor painting using 3 different watercolor techniques taught in class, a textile printing design with fabric markers to decorate bandanas they would later wear for their performance, and lastly acrylic poured paintings on canvas and on rocks that the students then hid along the towpath for walkers to find.
From the art/construction/critical thinking class of Chris Heban:
Can your boat float?
On Monday we tried our hand at creating a boat out of a piece of paper. After just a few folds we realized it worked. After a few attempts it really did float.
Tuesday ushered in a different challenge. Create a boat that is made from 3 different materials and strong enough to hold marbles. We used aluminum foil, plastic straws, and packing tape. Many of the students were able to construct a boat that could hold up to 15 marbles.
Wednesday was our group challenge. Each group was supplied with the following materials and were then given 45 minutes to create their ship that could hold as much cargo as possible. A combination of aluminum foil, plastic straw, and packing tape was used. The students named their ships and “Girl Power” ended up holding the most cargo before sinking.
Thursday was our attempt to use crayola model magic clay to design a boat. Friday the students were given a wood boat along with a flag rudder and rubber bands. They painted each part, rotated the rudder forward and backwards and watched as their boat moved across the water… yes, we had water ready in our pools for testing.
Can your boat float? The answer was always YES.

From the music classes of Karin McGilvery:
Karin had the students singing, moving, dancing, and playing instruments while learning many kinds of water songs. She introduced Good Morning songs in two languages, presented “If I Were A Fish” with motions and dance, had students play instruments to “Yellow Submarine”, and students played “Obiswana” which is an African rock passing game. She introduced a circle game where students choose a partner and sang “We’re Floating Down the River”, she had students perform a motion song called “A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea”, and students sang songs with motions to “I’ve Got Peace Like A River”.
It was a creative, critical thinking, fun-filled, art-filled kind of week for our students! Grand Rapids is so blessed to have this camp for local children.