Grand Rapids man fears country is sliding towards ethnic cleansing

It is taken me a good long while since election day to calm myself down enough to try to come to terms with the horrible decision of my countrymen to put what amounts to Felonious Dictator in charge of our country. I honestly feel that I’m about to witness what amounts to a Kosovo or a Bosnia and Herzegovina right here in the good ol’ USA! It’s horrifying to witness!

It puts me in a position of having to come to the conclusion that a majority of my fellow countrymen are nothing but heartless, white supremacist,bigots who are bound and determined to bring injury and death to innocent people simply because an orange faced screwball told them that all immigrants are the enemies of this great nation and the source of all their troubles. 

 I’m sorry if their feelings are hurt but, they have in effect become willing participants of a new fascist state and part of a crime against humanity. My neighbors are in effect, the same as the German people who allowed themselves to become a part of The Holocaust, The Hutus who slaughtered the Tutsi minority in the Rwanda Genocide and The Bosnian Serbs who slaughtered the Bosnians in Bosnia Herzegovina War. 

Why in the hell did their grandfathers go and fight to stop the Nazis only for their great grandchildren to say what the Nazis did is ok and to follow suit here in America? I simply can’t believe that this is happening but it already has been happening since Inauguration Day.

Editor, at the end of World War II , the German people were asked time and again by American military interrogators why they turned a blind eye to their neighbors being sent of death camps during the holocaust.  Their answer was simple, and chilling. They said: “Hitler told them that the Jews were the enemy and therefore the war was against the Jews and this justified their neighbors being stripped of their citizenship ripped from their homes and then murdered in large numbers while they hid inside their houses and did nothing to stop it! This being the case they felt it was their duty to help exterminate their neighbors in massive numbers to win the war! Sound familiar?

 So I guess what I’m to believe is that my neighbors are perfectly OK with Federal officers going to into cities that Donald Trump has decided are ruled by the enemy, the Democrats, and having their citizens viciously ripped from their homes, heir rights under the law tossed aside and that they should be treated as criminals and violently thrown out of a nation where many of them have lived for decades. Because, of course, those hard working, white working class ,tobacco chewing, Millennial and Gen Z victims aren’t getting paid enough because of them? 

This is not fighting crime. I’s ethnic cleansing and bigotry! I’ve heard the media say time and again ” This is not who we are”. I’m sorry to tell all that’s left of the good people of this country,Yes this is exactly who we are! The 70 million geniuses who voted for this scumbag and his followers in the GOP, have said so by their votes!

 When I was in college studying German History, I remember the stories of the resistance movements inside the Third Reich and the fates of many of them at the hands of their own government and neighbors. Am I to feel that the same fate will fall on me and my family if we stand against this insanity? Am I to go having to add additions to my house to hide innocent people to protect them from death, just as Otto Frank had to have his family hidden by his allies? Should I have to stockpile arms and get ready to fight my neighbors for freedom and democracy to survive and not be destroyed by their ignorant stupidity? 

The very fact that i’m here living in the land of the free, having to have these thoughts is a disgrace in and of itself! It is absolutely beyond belief that after 230 years of freedom. We have deteriorated to despotism and tyranny and my neighbors want to celebrate this as if it’s Independence Day! I’m sorry but I have no intention of watching the coronation of a dictator into my highest office in my country and making myself a part of what amounts to a crime against humanity.

So now i’m faced with a decision that I don’t want to make, That I shouldn’t have to make. 

To be honest editor, I really don’t have time to organize resistance movements or revolutions. I can only hope that my hand is not forced into action like many people who just were ordinary people living their lives and had the horrors of fascist cruelty brought down upon them in their own backyard. I am not a violent person, nor am I some kind of a soldier fighting for freedom. 

I’m just an ordinary man watching my country systematically destroyed by my own countrymen. I’m glad that my father , a navy veteran and a true patriot is not here to see the terrible things that are about happen to the nation he loved. This is not happy days are here again, this is the beginning of a new dark,age!

Just yesterday I opened my mail box and received a letter from a so-called “concerned citizen” (No return address. No signature by the way) telling me how horrible of a person I am for am op ed I put in the BG Sentinel Tribune. My only response to this person is i’m not the one blaming Americans of different ethnic backgrounds for my economic problems. You people are! Such opinions by a majority of Americans is bigotry in it’s purest form, It is what has often been the beginnings of mass genocides throughout history. Once you start to de-humanize other human beings and blame them for political and economic issues. You start down the path of holocaust. It’s fact. There is no such thing as nice kind ethnic cleansing. It’s brutality no matter which way you spin it!

Raymond J Gomez 

Grand Rapid