Grant to be used to prevent binge drinking

(Submitted by the Wood County Prevention Coalition)

The Wood County Prevention Coalition received $2,500 from Drug Free Action Alliance as a recipient of the #PUSH4Prevention Community Stipend, the Wood County Educational Service Center announced today.

“We feel very blessed to receive this stipend and hope to make the most of this opportunity. Although we’ve seen many successes in reducing youth alcohol use through the years, more work needs to be done to prevent binge drinking in our community,” said Milan Karna, Wood County Prevention Coalition Coordinator.

The Wood County Prevention Coalition aims to reduce underage access to alcohol through community compliance checks around St. Patrick’s Day, expand collaboration with Safe Communities of Wood County by providing information, providing safe transportation and also offering alcohol-free alternative activities. The Mayor of Bowling Green, Richard Edwards has proclaimed March 13th through March March 17th Swallow Your Pride Week.

“Thanks to funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, our agency is able to help both community coalitions and campuses make crucial, public health investments in preventing substance misuse,” said Marcie Seidel, Drug Free Action Alliance’s executive director. “We’re excited to see how these organizations’ initiatives will improve the lives of many in their communities.”

The Wood County Prevention Coalition was one of nine recipients of the stipend and one of several dozen applicants for the #PUSH4Prevention Community Stipend, which funds coalitions and campuses to implement or enhance prevention programs in their communities to prevent substance misuse.

“We had many great applications, and I know that the recipients will do an excellent job of reducing substance misuse in their communities,” said Seidel. “The grant recipients all demonstrated thoughtful plans to prevent the misuse and abuse of substances in their communities and on their campuses.”

The #Push4Prevention Community Stipend is made possible with support from Ohio MHAS and is administered by DFAA’s Ohio Center for Coalition Excellence and Ohio College Initiative to Enhance Student Wellness. Drug Free Action Alliance is a certified prevention agency leading the way in promoting healthy lives through the prevention of substance abuse and fostering mental health wellness for 30 years. DFAA is nationally recognized for building networks that empower communities to create safe and healthy environments. For more information, visit

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