Grounds for Thought to collect toiletries & hygiene products collection for Brown Bag on Day of Service

Non-food items on the shelves at Brown Bag Food Project. The shelves may appear full, but not enough to meet demand. So the pantry is trying to build up its stock so it can reliably meet the growing demand.

Grounds for Thought will commemorate the Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service by hosting a collection of toiletries, women’s hygiene products, and baby items for the Brown Bag Food Project Monday, Jan. 20  from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the shop at 174 S. Main St., in downtown BG.

Requested are donations of toiletries for men, women, and children, women’s hygiene products, baby items such as wipes and other products, and large size diapers only 4, 5, & 6  as well as pull-ups. (Brown Bag has a surplus of smaller sizes.)

The items will be collected at Grounds for Thought and delivered to Brown Bag at 4:30 p.m.