Hot weather this week poses dangers

The Wood County Emergency Management Agency has issued the following advisory:

We hope entering the last heatwave of the summer of 2024.  Historically, our average number of days 90 degrees or hotter is 19 days, which we will hit later this week.  

Based on the combination of the temperature and humidity, Tuesday and Wednesday we will be under a Heat Advisory.  Our neighboring counties to the west will fall under a heat wave (abnormally hot weather lasting more than 2 days).

According to National Weather Service, on Tuesday and Wednesday, we can expect heat index values near 90 degrees by 9 a.m. and 100 degrees by noon.  This extreme heat and humidity will significantly increase the potential for heat related illness, especially for those working or participating in outdoor activities. 


  • If possible, consider moving outdoor activities inside or postponing until next week where the estimated temperatures will be mid 70’s to 80 degree F.
  • Have a location you can go to cool down. Do not rely only on electric fans as they may not prevent heat-related illnesses.
  • Stay hydrated; drink more water avoiding sugary, caffeinated and/or alcoholic drinks.
  • Wear lightweight loose fitting clothing.
  • Seek immediate medical help if needed, especially for those no longer able to sweat (heat stroke).
    • Do not cool down so fast people start to shiver. Shivering is the body’s normal response to warm itself and will increase, not lower their temperature.
  • Pay attention to those more vulnerable (young, old, pre-existing medical conditions) as they may not know they are experiencing a heat related illness.
  • Keep pets inside with additional water.

We will continue to monitor and provide updates as appropriate.