Korean-born artist Sangmi Yoo will give a public lecture on Tuesday, October 29 from 5-6 p.m. in Fine Arts Center 204.
Her current work is based on childhood memories of Korean New Village houses in relation to everyday encounters of standardized residential buildings in West Texas and other global locations. She explores the reality of finding the ideal home within such environments through American norms.

Sangmi Yoo is currently an Associate Professor of Art at Texas Tech University. Her creative activity includes a 2017 Denbo Fellowship from Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, a 2014 Wolhee Choe Memorial Award from AHL Foundation in New York, a Seacourt Print Workshop’s International Artist-in-Residence in Northern Ireland, a 2010 Puffin Foundation Artist Grant, and a 2009 Springfield Art Museum Purchase Award.
She has exhibited at Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, the Museum of Printing History in Houston, the Moonshin Museum in Korea, the Gyeongnam International Art Festival in Korea, and the 2008 Pacific Rim International Print Exhibition in New Zealand.