BG Independent News
A request by Wood County Humane Society officials may shepherd a land swap next to their facility at 801 Van Camp Road.
Monday evening, the Bowling Green Board of Public Utilities voted to trade property directly east of the humane society property with McEwen Realty, which owns acreage directly east of the city’s property.
This would allow the Wood County Humane Society to purchase approximately four acres from McEwen Realty for a potential future expansion of the humane society site.
Bowling Green Utilities Director Brian O’Connell said that the land swap appears to benefit all three parties involved.
It benefits the humane society by allowing it to access neighboring property. It works for McEwen Realty, which is interested in selling its acreage. And it allows the city better access to a sanitary sewer force main that runs south from Van Camp Road, just east of the current McEwen Realty property.

“This seems like this would help all the parties involved,” O’Connell said.
The property swap would also maintain the city’s access to Van Camp Road. Over the past several years, the city has discussed the idea of using this property for a walking trail that might lead from Bowling Green High School or City Park to the Community Center, O’Connell said.
“This could be a pathway to get to that location,” he said.
City Council member Bill Herald said the land transfer would also benefit the residents of Christopher Street, since the trail to the community center would then be further from their properties.
A few years ago, the city discussed working with Bowling Green City Schools to use this property for vehicular access to the school campus at the northwest corner of West Poe Road and Fairview Avenue. That option would still be available in the future, O’Connell said.
There would be no cost to the city for the land transfer.
The farming leases currently on the acreage would remain in effect this year, and then would change next year, O’Connell explained.
The proposed land swap will go next to Bowling Green City Council for its approval.