Our nation’s democracy is in peril and it’s happening in Bowling Green.
A true democracy requires citizen participation, government transparency, and responsiveness to the people. However, during this month’s congressional recess, Representative Latta (District #5) does not yet have a public town hall scheduled. Members of US Congress conventionally use congressional recesses to visit their districts and hold town halls so constituents can hear from their elected officials and directly express their interests and concerns. Not holding these public forums is patently undemocratic.
Many people in Bowling Green have concerns about the direction of our country and deserve to have our voices heard by the individual we chose to represent us. A politician who refuses to listen to their constituents is no representative at all.
Representative Latta, as your constituents, the League of Women Voters of Bowling Green, urges you to schedule a district town hall this month so you can hear directly from the people you represent. As an elected representative of District 5 this is your duty, and our democracy depends on it.
Lee McLaird, President
Janet Parks, Past President
Lee Hakel, Past President
Board of Directors: Anne Bullerjahn, Lindsay Jo Durham
Katelyn Elliott, Jean Geist, Erin Hatchel,
Elayne Jacoby, Sharlyn Katzner,
Florence Klopfenstein, Vassiliki Leontis
Ellen Scholl, Charlotte Scherer, Maria Simon,
Gale Swanka, and Karen Wood