Leadership BG class surpasses goal and raises $12,640 at Touch-A-Truck event

BG Leadership class at Touch-A-Truck event

The Leadership BG Class of 2024 would like to thank the Bowling Green community for a successful Touch-A-Truck Event. The class had a goal of raising a total of $10,000, with 80% going to Bowling Green City Schools’ PBIS Program and 20% going to Wood County Plays. 

Together, the class and community raised $12,640. This results in BGCS receiving $9,688 and Wood County Plays receiving $2,422. The amount raised far exceeded the class’s expectations.

The class would like to thank all of the sponsors who made this possible: Mosser Construction, City of Bowling Green, William Vaughan Co., Pinnacle Plastic Products, Bowling Green Schools Foundation, The Copy Shop, Michael & Rachel Barnett, Bowling Green Kiwanis, Brookdale Senior Living, Gail Sterling, Marsh & Rothenbuhler LLC, Wood County Hospital, Downtown Bowling Green S.I.D., Unity Group, Parti Enterprises, Wood Haven Healthcare, and Wood County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

Leadership BG is a one day per month commitment for nine months offered by the Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce. It highlights a broad range of issues vital to the community. The program begins in September and runs through May each year. 

Through contact with a variety of experts in the fields of economic development, local government, health care, judicial system, manufacturing, social services, education, and leadership development, participants expand their leadership skills, knowledge, and influence on their community. Applications for the 2024-2025 class are currently being accepted.