Maumee resident wholeheartedly pledges support for O’Dorisio’s run for state senate

My name is Chelsea Ford and I wholeheartedly pledge my support for Joel O’Dorisio in his run for State Senator of Ohio.

Joel is an exceptional leader, teacher, and employer, and has been for over 20 years. He was my most trusted advisor in guiding me through my degree at Bowling Green State University. He always made time to give me his best advice, whether about the classes I was taking, my performance as an employee, or courses of action for my life after graduation. Joel has positively impacted my life in so many ways, and I am proud to consider him a friend

Joel is the most compassionate and understanding mentor I have ever had the opportunity to work with. He truly cares about every single one of his students, peers, and employees, and consistently strives to make everyone feel seen, heard, welcome, and appreciated. Joel has always been willing to stand up for his students if they are being mistreated or misrepresented in any way, and he has done this for me personally.

Joel is exactly the kind of person we need in office in order to begin enacting positive changes in our community. We need someone who stands up for minority groups and underrepresented people, someone who genuinely cares about improving our education system, and someone who fights for the enhancement of our local economy in order to provide all of us with better opportunities.

I encourage you to please join me in fully supporting Joel in his run for the Ohio State Senate!

Chelsea Ford
