Mike Williams on Sax and Voices at BGSU join forces to create unique performance of National Anthem TOPICS:Battle of I-75BGSU VoicesMike Williams on Sax Posted By: Dustin Galish February 25, 2023 Mike Williams on Sax and Voices at BGSU joined forces to perform the National Anthem at this years Battle of I-75 Men’s Basketball game. Mike Williams talks about the event and why he decided to work with the choir. Posted by: Dustin Galish on February 25, 2023.
Arts and Entertainment, Music, winter holidays Mike Williams & his sax bring joy to the world for Christmas
Arts and Entertainment, Business, Music Saxophonist Mike Williams is all business when it comes to inspiring & entertaining listeners with his music
Concert Videos, Video Mike Williams on Sax performs soaring rendition of What a Wonderful World at Juneteenth